Irving Consumer Products is one of North America's leading suppliers of private label or store brand Light Dry Crepe (LDC) and ThruAir Dry (TAD) paper products made in one of our five manufacturing facilities. We manufacture bath tissue, facial tissue, paper towel, and napkins for major retailers across Canada and the United States, using virgin fibre harvested from responsibly managed forests. We’re committed to helping our customers grow by providing them with quality products, service, insights, and innovation.
For more information about our private label capabilities please send us an email.

Irving Personal Care is the only manufacturer of baby diapers and training pants in Canada.
Using state-of-the-art equipment and technology, Irving Personal Care produces premium quality private label products for major North American customers. All wood pulp used in the manufacturing of our diapers and pants has met the standard for responsible forestry certification, when indicated as such on their packaging.
To learn more about PEFC, an international non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting sustainable forest management visit: https://www.pefc.org/
To learn more about FSC®, an international non-profit, multi-stakeholder organization dedicated to promoting responsible management of the world’s forests, visit: https://ca.fsc.org/
For more information about our private label capabilities please visit our website.